What is Trauma?

What is Trauma?

When we aren’t able to truly express ourselves during intense physical or emotional situations, we usually suppress this expression deep within our minds and bodies.

When we tense up in those moments, we concentrate that expression into our body tissue.

This suppression becomes a constriction, a knot, a hindrance of flow, a defense reaction, a shell creation, a sapping of energy collected into one area.

This collection of energy steals energy from other bodily and mental functions, detracting from its opposite complement.

For example, trauma rooted in fear lessens our ability and capacity for love until it is resolved.

Trauma holds stored energy at a specific frequency, much like the electrical energy that binds molecules together.

When these bonds are released, energy is liberated.

Similarly, when we release trauma, we free up this energy, restoring our mental and physical vitality.

How Can We Release Trauma?

We can begin to loosen the grips of trauma through simple breathing techniques that gently massage the nervous system and body tissues.

Another effective method involves alternating between cold and hot water, which creates a constriction and dilation effect, further massaging trauma out of the tissues.

One of the most powerful ways to identify and release deeply embedded traumas is through a transformational Breathwork session.

These sessions typically last about 2 1/2 hours and include:

  1. Intention Setting: The session begins with setting a clear intention.

  2. Transformational Breathwork Session: This is followed by an hour-long, focused breathing practice.

  3. Integration: The session closes with integration protocols to help assimilate the experience.

Transformational Breathwork sessions are pivotal for accelerating trauma release, fostering self-exploration, and promoting personal transformation.

Why is Breathwork so powerful?

When you engage in a transformational Breathwork session, you actively shift the body's chemistry.

This shift heightens your sensitivity to lingering tensions and energies, allowing you to truly feel and release the residue of past traumas.

The purpose isn’t to relive those painful moments but to explore and integrate them, understanding how they’ve shaped you and releasing their hold on you.

We owe it to ourselves to lift what dulls our true, authentic resonance. Tap into your breath, tap into your life.


If you have any questions about breathwork, please don't hesitate to reach out.

Book a call, check out my offerings, or simply reply to this email to start your exploration.

With love and gratitude,

Andre Wilson
Inner Alchemy Wellness


Releasing Trauma From the Body Through Breathwork